The established alternative.

Afdeling D

15 min
Class #03
This movie is not available yet

En dreng skal opereres. Mens han venter på operationen bliver han optaget af Afdeling Ds øvrige patienter og ansatte – en døende mand og en mystisk læge. Sammen med dem lærer han noget om døden. Og på mærkværdig vis finder drengen og den døende mand ud af, at de måske har mere tilfælles end først antaget.

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Ekstern intruktør
Ekstern intruktør
Ekstern intruktør
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Mon Petit-Enfant

Tim har ingen kæreste, han mødes med unge piger fra nettet. Tim forsøger at gøre en forskel som medlem af Jehovas vidner. Tims eneste rigtige kontakt med omverdenen er hans franske ”mormor”, som han jævnligt besøger. Tim har flere gange lovet sin mormor at hun snart må møde en af hans piger.

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'Companion AI' is a new technology that allows for the implantation of relationships through a chip. Saga is anti-tech, lonely, and struggles to connect with others, as popular technology creates distance between people. When she reunites with her childhood friend Etta, whom she misses in her life, she sees an opportunity to rekindle a genuine and deep relationship. However, Etta herself has a 'companion,' making it challenging to reestablish their bond. This drives Saga on a journey where she must compromise and turn inward in the pursuit of a genuine relationship.

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'Companion AI' is a new technology that allows for the implantation of relationships through a chip. Saga is anti-tech, lonely, and struggles to connect with others, as popular technology creates distance between people. When she reunites with her childhood friend Etta, whom she misses in her life, she sees an opportunity to rekindle a genuine and deep relationship. However, Etta herself has a 'companion,' making it challenging to reestablish their bond. This drives Saga on a journey where she must compromise and turn inward in the pursuit of a genuine relationship.

End Of The Eighties

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Class #01
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End Of The Eighties