Kathrine (1991) grew up in a small town outside Randers. She moved away at an early age, feeling the need to explore herself beyond the relatively narrow confines of the province. Despite this, Kathrine has realized that she will always be a province girl at heart, which is reflected in her films.
Her background is diverse, including an interrupted carpenter and social worker education on her resume. At the age of 26, amidst a personal crisis, she was drawn to the healing potential of documentary filmmaking. A “lo-fi” camera became her tool to scrutinize reality and reflect on and mirror her own lonely, emotional life through the stories of others. While Kathrine now primarily works with fiction, it doesn't limit her desire to tell documentary stories, as she believes different narratives call for different formats - maybe even a mix. Generally, Kathrine thrives best when there are not too many tight constraints and limitations.
Several of Kathrine's strengths (and weaknesses, although this text primarily focuses on the positive) are rooted in her self-diagnosed highly sensitive mind; her keen observational skills, deep empathy, and sense of justice - all of which naturally influence her filmmaking. Kathrine is dedicated to creating authentic, character-driven films with a strong, unconventional audiovisual expression. She also finds anthropological, sculptural, and conceptual films intriguing.
Kathrine resides in NV in her own apartment, where she painted a wall deep purple a few years ago. She's now tired of it, but that's fine because it just means she hasn't stagnated in her style and expression.